Monday, June 29, 2020

Introduction to Rae

Hey out there!

My nickname is Rae and I am a 25 year old trying to successfully adult in 2016. I decided to start a blog about my hair journey so that I could have documented records of the things that work and do not work for my hair and it's progression over time.

I know there are millions of women blogging about there natural hair, however no one seems to have my texture exactly so who knows I maybe able to help someone who has the same hair type and or texture.

Now about my fluff lol.

Last Relaxer: January 2,2015
Transitioned for appx. 9months
Big Chop: October 10, 2015
Porosity: Low
Type (1-4): Mixture of 3C, 4AB
Very Dense

So I absolutely love my hair. It can be a lot to manage but it is amazing and magical!!

Well welcome all I hope you enjoy my journey as much as your own 😘💁🏾


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Update*** New POst coming will have video included***

Hey Dolls,

My apologies for not updating in so long. I had been moving and transitioning from one job to another. In that time I was wearing my wigs and not doing my natural hair for the most part.

So I am trying to get videos added to my posts that way you can see how I am doing things. I have gotten several requests to include video so that is what is to come.

Please keep the feedback coming an if you have any request for videos leave me a comment!!

Ciao xoxo

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Naturalversary: One Year Post Big Chop, My return to Natural.

ey Dolls,

So it is approximately (a few days earlier) 1 year since I cut all my relaxer out of my hair. This has been a journey, truly.

I remember that first day, I was in complete shock that I had cut all my long pretty hair off. I has made a decision after 9 months of transitioning that I needed to just let go of the chemically treated hair. I had gotten tired of struggling with two textures of hair and trying to avoid heat on my new growth. It had just become too much and I thought that I had just enough hair to put in a puff. I was wrong.

 The first 3 months after my big chop defining my hair and maintaining moisture was the hardest thing to accomplish. My hair refused to stay moisturized and refused to curl. I did not even have an established curl pattern. I then became a product junkie and YouTube fanatic. I wanted so bad for curls to form and my hair not to be so dry.

After trial and error I established  routine that worked and it actually was a lot simpler and required more natural products than man made products. My hair is thriving and I managed to bring my curls to life.

My hair is thick and gaining length (shrinkage is very real), most importantly it is healthy! I have gained about 4 inches of hair growth after minor trims in the last year.

Here are a few photos starting from January of 2015 to Today October 8,2016.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dry Hair Problems, Post Blow Out

Hey Dolls.

So after blowing my hair out for the first time my hair turned into a dry,frizzy, nondefined mess! I have never seen my hair react like this, but what does one expect when applying heat after over a year without it!


So the first night I just cowashed and used the LOC method to seal in moisture for a twistout. My hair was light and fluffy but had spots with little to no definition and product was just sitting on top of my hair.

So let lift there hair cuticles and get some moisture in!!

Step One. Lift Cuticles
So to do this you will need conditioner (2part), baking soda (1part), and water (3parts). I say parts because however much baking sofa you have you will double the conditioner and triple the water. That is just a basic recipe. I also add ACV (2tbs) , molasses (1 tbs), and honey (1 tbs). I usually keep the extras to that amount because I don't want them to cancel out the base of the mixture.
So apply the mixture to your head, easiest done in sections. I take it through and finger detangle at the same time. After it is applied everywhere o apply a plastic cap for about 30min-40min not much longer as this can damage your hair just like over conditioning. Then rinse.

Step Two. Condition
Next I apply my deep conditioner Shea moisture mask. I put a plastic cap over and went to bed. I usually do not sleep in my conditioners but made an exception last night (9/20/16).

Step Three. Bentonite Clay Mask
Then I apply my clay mask to closed my cuticles and lock in the moisture while defining my curls. For my clay mixture I follow the directions on the container 1 part clay to 1 part ACV (1 cup clay = 1 cup ACV) I also add a tablespoon or two of honey for smell but not always. The mixture smell is not pleasant but it makes those curls pop!! I usually leave it on 30-40 minute enough time to dry and also apply to my face then rinse it all out in the shower as it is extremely messy!
** Also I usually will add water if the consistency is too thick, I prefer it thick and creamy like a nice hair butter/cream a couple tablespoons of water can make the texture perfect **

Step Four. Style
 I usually do a wash and go to see how well my curls took to the treatment. Today 9/21 I just add EcoStyler gel while my hair was still soaking wet in the shower. I did not rake it through I applied a lot to sections and made sure to distribute to each strand without disturbing my natural curls.


** This is a Modified version of Caramel Treatment and inspired by the MAX HYDRATION METHOD **

Friday, September 16, 2016

11 months post BIG CHOP

11 months post BIG CHOP; 20  months free of the CREAMY CRACK
Hey Dolls,

I just wanted to give you all a hair update. So let's start with my hair stats. :)

Last Relaxer: January 2, 2015
Transition: about 9 1/2 months
Big Chop: October 11, 2015

So let me say that this is still a work in progress. It is a journey because my hair changes with the weather and I must adapt to those changes. It has not been easy, as I had to get to know my hair and its limitations. I have done several protective styles wigs and braids. I find that after a few weeks I miss my curls and have to bring them back out.

 I have gotten a regimen down that works for my hair right now. I have a million and one products most I don't use because it did not work as expected. I have more realistic expectations of my hair and I can not wait to see what is to come!!

1/2/15 Last Relaxer 

9/6/15 Transition month 8 post relaxer Twist & Curl

 10/15/15 BIG CHOP

 9/12/16 Blow Out

9/5/16 Stretched Braid out

9/9/16 Wash & Go (half way dry, the shrinkage is real)