Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Max Hyrdation Method.... Sort of!?

Hey dolls,

Over the weekend I did a partial max hydration method. I have done it before especially when my hair isn't accepting moisture, lol. I find that doing this method makes my curls more define and clump together rather nicely, it also allows me to get a good a mount of moisture in my hair as well.

STEP 1. I separated my hair into 6 sections. Spritz with water and detangled. I put them in plaits and trimmed my ends as dead ends can attribute to a lack that my hair will give lol.

STEP 2.  My Caramel Treatment for dry undefined hair. You can YouTube this from many a hair guru.

Cherry Lola Caramel Treatment (CLCT)
  • Greek yogurt (2 cups)
  • Baking soda (2 tbsp)
  • Organic apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp)
  • Raw coconut liquid aminos or liquid Soy aminos (2 tbsp) 
  • Raw honey (1/2 tbsp)
  • Unsulfured molasses (1 tbsp)
  • Half an over ripe plantain or banana
  • Avocado (3/4 tbsp)
  • 1 egg (optional, but I used it no problem)
Blend them all together. I do mean blend in a blender btw, I used my hand mixer and my banana chunks got stuck on my hair I do not recommend using a hand mixer. If you do not have a blender skip the banana, I have. 
I apply this to my hair it will be sort of foamy. I apply to my hair root to scalp and rake through after my hair is saturated in that section. Place under a plastic cap for 45min-1hr. Then I rinse out with luke warm water.

*I do this step only once every few months it is not recommended for daily or weekly treatment. I prefer every 3 months I do this and in between I will do just ACV and water to cleanse my hair and follow the remaining steps verbatim.*
Pictured above: Here is my hair with the CLCT on it. You can see that my hair looks nice and defined. Below: is a video of my hair with the CLCT on it to give you a better view.
STEP 3. After ringing out CLCT , I apply conditioner and deep condition. This time I used Manuka Intensive Hydrating Hair Mask from Shea Moisture, applied plastic cap for about 1 hr 1/2. The method advises to condition over night however I find it leads to shedding and makes my hair weak.

***SN: I no longer deep condition longer than 1hr 1/2. There is no science that it provides additional moisture deep conditioning past that point. I also notice with my hair when I deep condition for extended periods of time my hair is a bit weaker and needs protein or else it will shed like crazy.

STEP 4. I apply my bentonite clay mask (after rinsing DC out), which is one part clay one part Apple cider vinegar with a few tablespoons of honey for smell and shine. I usually require 1/2 c of each to cover my whole head. I have found that my making half batches to do the front and then the back I end up being able to use it all without short. I apply it in the same way I apply the CLCT by smoothing on then raking my fingers through. after it dries I rinse it out. I will be honest this is not the best smelling thing in the world but it does my hair wonders.

Pictured above: My hair with the bentonite clay on it. Below: A video with the clay on it to give you a better visual.

STEP 5. I apply my olive oil then my leave in conditioner for this  particular time I used Design Essentials Almond and Avocado leave-in. I braided my hair back in four plait to stretch my hair for styling. I usually use my Kinky Curly Knot Today as deep conditioner and leave in (I mix with water for my leave in as it is highly saturated). I am falling in love with DE conditioner.

I wore my wig on top for one day to allow full drying and moisture absorption. I planned to do a braid out but I want to do it on stretched hair.