Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dry Hair Problems, Post Blow Out

Hey Dolls.

So after blowing my hair out for the first time my hair turned into a dry,frizzy, nondefined mess! I have never seen my hair react like this, but what does one expect when applying heat after over a year without it!


So the first night I just cowashed and used the LOC method to seal in moisture for a twistout. My hair was light and fluffy but had spots with little to no definition and product was just sitting on top of my hair.

So let lift there hair cuticles and get some moisture in!!

Step One. Lift Cuticles
So to do this you will need conditioner (2part), baking soda (1part), and water (3parts). I say parts because however much baking sofa you have you will double the conditioner and triple the water. That is just a basic recipe. I also add ACV (2tbs) , molasses (1 tbs), and honey (1 tbs). I usually keep the extras to that amount because I don't want them to cancel out the base of the mixture.
So apply the mixture to your head, easiest done in sections. I take it through and finger detangle at the same time. After it is applied everywhere o apply a plastic cap for about 30min-40min not much longer as this can damage your hair just like over conditioning. Then rinse.

Step Two. Condition
Next I apply my deep conditioner Shea moisture mask. I put a plastic cap over and went to bed. I usually do not sleep in my conditioners but made an exception last night (9/20/16).

Step Three. Bentonite Clay Mask
Then I apply my clay mask to closed my cuticles and lock in the moisture while defining my curls. For my clay mixture I follow the directions on the container 1 part clay to 1 part ACV (1 cup clay = 1 cup ACV) I also add a tablespoon or two of honey for smell but not always. The mixture smell is not pleasant but it makes those curls pop!! I usually leave it on 30-40 minute enough time to dry and also apply to my face then rinse it all out in the shower as it is extremely messy!
** Also I usually will add water if the consistency is too thick, I prefer it thick and creamy like a nice hair butter/cream a couple tablespoons of water can make the texture perfect **

Step Four. Style
 I usually do a wash and go to see how well my curls took to the treatment. Today 9/21 I just add EcoStyler gel while my hair was still soaking wet in the shower. I did not rake it through I applied a lot to sections and made sure to distribute to each strand without disturbing my natural curls.


** This is a Modified version of Caramel Treatment and inspired by the MAX HYDRATION METHOD **

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