Monday, June 29, 2020

Introduction to Rae

Hey out there!

My nickname is Rae and I am a 25 year old trying to successfully adult in 2016. I decided to start a blog about my hair journey so that I could have documented records of the things that work and do not work for my hair and it's progression over time.

I know there are millions of women blogging about there natural hair, however no one seems to have my texture exactly so who knows I maybe able to help someone who has the same hair type and or texture.

Now about my fluff lol.

Last Relaxer: January 2,2015
Transitioned for appx. 9months
Big Chop: October 10, 2015
Porosity: Low
Type (1-4): Mixture of 3C, 4AB
Very Dense

So I absolutely love my hair. It can be a lot to manage but it is amazing and magical!!

Well welcome all I hope you enjoy my journey as much as your own 😘💁🏾