Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Date night Hair pinch! How I saved my hair for a random date.

Hey Dolls!

So I had my wash day during the week last week and after overnight conditioning did not style my hair. I put some leave in went to work with a puff the got dry throughout the day but had no plans after work other than to style my hair so no big deal.

Well my boyfriend (new romance) sent me a text me right before my lunch break that he wanted me to come over so we that could go to dinner.

This was a nightmare not only was my hair not styled but it was also crunchy and dry.

Mentally I brain storm a way to solve my hair problem.

Option 1. On my lunch go home do some braids and throw on my wig, see it down and be good to go.

Option 2. Pull out my handy spray bottle and hydrating hair butter from my over night bag (I always keep and over night bag in my trunk in case of emergencies).

I decided with option 2, because trying to get home prepare my wig which was still suffering the effects of ocean water would be entirely too much. Trying to get back to work during rush hour would make me even more late than trying to style it.

So I went to our public restroom and proceeded to prep my hair for a twist out. I knew it wouldn't be the most defined and gorgeous twist it but I was hoping for a fluffy yet curly fro that if it came out too bad I could throw my snappees on in my go to Afro puff style. So I did probably 15 large twist, I spritz with water so they were damp and not soaking and applied the bitter before twisting. I always finger coil the ends to get the best curly ends possible.

So I had four hours of work left plus a 35 minute drive to his house. My hair was not fully dry but dry enough to unravel and there was one spot that hadn't dried much at all however I made it work.

Here are the results and this is the following day after I separation in 4 pineapple ponytails to preserve overnight. It was so big and fluffy and actually had more definition than I expected. It also was extremely moisturizer and I was able to wear for 4 days before retwisting for the holiday.